Have questions about your surroundings? We have the answers! This section objectively explains various scientific subjects. When you have a firmer grasp of environmental issues, you’ll be able to make better decisions when it comes to creating a healthier environment.

The mosquito is a flying insect of the order Diptera and family Culicidae. It breeds in stagnant surface water from May to October.
Black Flies
The black fly is a biting insect of the order Diptera (like the mosquito), of the family Simuliidae. The development of the black fly extends over a period between 2 and 52 weeks, depending on the temperature of the stream’s water where it grows.

Giant Hogweed
Giant hogweed ( Heracleum mantegazzianum ) is a plant that is easily distinguished by its large size. It can reach between 2 and 5 meters in height with large clusters of white flowers to facilitate the dispersion of its pollen.
Poison Ivy
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans ) secretes a plant substance called uushiol that causes an allergic reaction when it comes in contact with the skin. All parts of the plant contain this substance except for the pollen.
Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L) is an annual herbaceous plant with dark green leaves with white hairs along the stem.

West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The virus is transferred from bird to mosquito which later can be transmitted to humans through a mosquito bite.
Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus
Eastern equine encephalitis virus, or EEEV is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes throughout the Americas. In North America, its occurrence is prevalent in the eastern and southeastern United States, Canada’s east coast and the outskirts of the Canada-US border near New England and the Great Lakes. EEEV is also found in other parts of the world such as Asia (eg Philippines) or Europe (eg Poland).