Black flies are a dark coloured small insect that breeds in fresh flowing water such as streams and rivers. Their larvae latch on to vegetation, rocks and leaves at the bottom of streams and filter the food that is carried to them by the current.
The adult black fly is a good traveler, they move over large distances, usually from 6 to 10km and some up to 25km.
They particularly like the wide open spaces such as golf courses and soccer fields. They are particularly active at dawn and at dusk.
Like mosquitoes , black flies usually feed on nectar and pollen, except for the female which also feeds on humans and animal blood for egg development.
How to protect ourselves from black flies?
Black flies are attracted to the CO2 that is released during respiration and their bite leaves a burning sensation. Unlike the mosquito that pierces through the skin, the black fly uses its teeth to tear off a small portion of the skin of the animal or human it feeds.
The black fly is very good at sneaking into clothing. To avoid being bitten by black flies, wearing loose and light clothing is recommended, moreover, it is advisable not to leave exposed skin (tuck pants into socks, wearing a hat and netting should be considered to protect oneself). Black flies are also more attracted to dark colors, wearing dark pants is therefore strongly discouraged when enjoying the outdoors.