Mosquito development occurs in standing surface waters such as wetlands. They generally can fly distances of 1 km from where they emerged, which explains their abundance near marshes, ponds and flooded forests.
How to protect ourselves?
The best way to avoid mosquitoes is to prevent their development into adults with a biological control program for biting insects. Biological control of mosquitoes allows an entire municipality to be protected against these nuisance causing insects.
On an individual level, one can protect themselves from mosquitoes by applying a repellent lotion or by wearing light coloured, long sleeved shirts and pants. It has been observed that darker clothing attracts more mosquitoes.
By making sure there is no standing water on your property will also go a long way. Some mosquito species thrive in containers that hold water. Make sure to overturn your wheel barrows, frequently replace (every 3 days) the water in bird baths and ensure that your rain barrel is mosquito proof.
Mosquitoes can also bite indoors and are a real nuisance at night when you can hear them buzzing around the bedroom. Make sure your window screens are intact and in good condition to keep them at bay.
Mosquitoes are important vectors of diseases across the globe. Sometimes they are transmitters of dangerous diseases such as malaria and dengue. In North America they can also carry diseases such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and West Nile Virus.
There are over 3000 species of mosquitoes identified worldwide, including 130 species in North America.