GDG Environment offers an inventory service for municipal trees located outside forest settings.
This exhaustive inventory includes the installation of an ID tag, geolocation and the collection of characterization data for each tree, such as: diameter at breast height (DBH), species and general health status. All this information is accessible and modifiable in real time on a platform (e.g. ESRI) from a computer or smartphone for municipal managers.

Such an inventory provides several advantages and possibilities:
– Facilitates the management, maintenance, and monitoring of urban trees
– Determines the diversity of arboreal species present and which ones to prioritize for future plantings
– Identifies areas to be prioritized for tree planting to reduce heat islands
– Assists in the detection and monitoring of pests according to the host species present
– Essential tool for conceptualizing urban forestry development plans

Additional options are possible:
– Detection of invasive or harmful species (e.g. buckthorn, giant hogweed)
– Determination of the severity of infestation by the emerald ash borer
– Calculation of the amount of CO2 captured by public trees